An Animal Poem


An Animal Poem

I have a cow, a very hardworking cow.
She always walks around at home with a towel and a broom.
She asks me to go to revise my books every day.

I have a monkey, a playful monkey.
He always plays with me, and also plays tricks on me.
He likes taking us to go on a picnic.
I call him my crazy daddy.

I have a sheep, an extremely lazy sheep.
She always sleeps, sleeps and sleeps.
She loves lying down on the sofa and watching the television.
I call her my sister.

I have a bird that has lots of freedom.
She can go around the world whenever she likes.
She loves going on picnics and adventures.
I call her my happy grandmother.
There is also an ant in my family.
She is the youngest in this family.
She always walks around the house and is very naughty.
Everyone calls her ”Man Man” and that’s me.