Long time ago, there was a tiger and a lion. They were good friends. They were bad and they always hurt and killed animals.
Every day, they found food with each other. One day, the lion was sick, so he asked the tiger to help him to find food. The tiger said, ‘Okay.’
When the tiger went out to find food, he found a lot of sheep. After he ate them and felt full, he remembered to look for food for the lion. But the hunter was coming so he went away.
When he came back, he lied to the lion. He said, ‘I was hungry. I couldn’t find any food. Sorry!’
The lion knew that the tiger forgot to bring food for him, so it hated the tiger very much. But the lion still said, ‘Never mind.’
A few days later, the tiger was sick. This time, he asked the lion to help him. After the lion ate his meal and became full, the lion did not help the tiger. When the tiger knew the lion did not help him, he was very angry.
After that day, they were not good friends. They became enemies. When they met again, they fought with each other. All animals were afraid.
We need to help each other when people need help. Also, we cannot tell lies. If not, we will receive punishment.