Report on ‘Cinemas in Hong Kong’


Report on ‘Cinemas in Hong Kong’



Given that a project entitled ‘Cinemas in Hong Kong’ has been worked out, a research was conducted to study the cinemas in Hong Kong. This report discusses why fewer people go to cinemas than before and the suggestion to increase the number of moviegoers.


Reasons why fewer people go to cinemas than before

            First and foremost, it is expensive to watch a movie in the cinemas. The price of one movie ticket is expensive nowadays, in the past, it may cost only $50 but nowadays it costs at least $100 for one ticket. People are not willing to spend such money on watching a movie in the cinemas, they would rather spend the money in other aspects, such as: eating, buying, etc. Since the ticket is expensive, some may not afford it, it is one of the reasons why fewer people go to cinemas than before.


Moreover, it is convenient for people to watch a movie at home and it is free of charge. Nowadays, it is easy for us to watch a movie online even the movie has not been broadcasted yet and it is free so people would rather watch the movie at home because they can save the money to do other activities. When people can watch movie comfortably and cheaper than going to the cinemas, no one will still go to the cinemas to watch the movies. So fewer people will go to the cinemas to watch movies.


Furthermore, the technology develops better than before. In the past, people go to cinemas to watch movies because the sound is better, the quality of the movie is better and these cannot be done at home in the past. As time goes on, the technology becomes better and people can buy different facilities, such as 7.1 facilities, etc. to produce such effects, some even have their own mini-cinemas at home, they do not need to go to the cinemas but they can enjoy staying at home watching movie. Technological development is one of the reasons why fewer people go to cinemas than before.


Suggestions to help to increase the number of moviegoers

            First of all, the cinemas can provide different discounts for customers. The cinemas can offer birthday discount, festival discount, etc. Customers can watch movies at a lower price and this may attract more customers to watch a movie in the cinemas because there are still some people who prefer watching movies in the cinemas but what stops them is the price of the movie ticket. Cinemas provide different discounts can prevail more people to watch movies in the cinemas then to increase the number of moviegoers.


The other suggestion is that the Government can set laws to stop people watching movies online before the movie has been broadcasted. People can easily watch movies online nowadays and it is unfair to those who produce the movies. The Government can set laws to monitor such activities, people can watch movies online only when the movies are off the board. Some people may be cannot wait so they will go to watch the movie in the cinemas and this can increase the number of moviegoers.



            The reasons why fewer people go to cinemas than before is that the ticket is expensive, people can watch movies easily online and the technology develops better than before. The cinemas can offer discounts and the Government can set laws to stop online movies in order to increase the number of moviegoers.